Gale Legal Forms has thousands of legal forms available, free to Alabama residents, thanks to the Alabama Virtual Library. Official, state specific, federal, business, personal, real estate, and general forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues can be accessed through this resource. Gale Legal Forms also includes law summaries that explain legal topics, as well as answers to frequently asked legal questions and examples of court-filed documents. (There are lots of forms and information dealing with landlord/tenant relationships, as well as other important forms like wills, powers of attorney, divorce, and bankruptcy.)
Note: When on the AVL, select All Resources or Adult Resources from the colorful bar across the top. Then scroll down to reach Gale Legal Forms. The tiles are in alphabetical order.
Follow the link in the button below to find legal forms. These forms are specific to the state of Alabama. They are published by the Alabama Administrative Office of Courts. For your convenience, many of the forms are fillable from within your browser or may be saved to your computer and used without accessing the internet. Adobe Reader, a free software package available at, is required.
| offers a guide to free and low-cost civil legal aid, assistance, and services in Alabama. You can get basic information here about your legal rights, learn where to go for legal aid and assistance, and find out about other community resources. |
The Alabama Access to Justice Commission was created by order of the Supreme Court of Alabama in April, 2007 to serve as a coordinating entity for the legally underserved, the legal community, social service providers and the private and public sectors.
Arm yourself with knowledge about your city's laws. Navigate between Codes, individual ordinances and documents (related documents such as minutes and agendas).
If you own or conduct business in Oxford, you need access to the forms to file. The link below offers the following forms/information: Business License Application, Sales Tax Code, Tax Forms (Gas Tax Form, Liquor Tax Form, Lodging Tax Form, and Tobacco Tax Form), and other information. When you follow the link, look to the top right, and click on Related Pages.